It's easy to return an item to as we have a full satisfaction 30 day return policy on most items we sell (excluding sale items).
If for some reason you'd like to make a return, just pack everything back up in the original packaging, excluding hardware, call for an RMA number, and mail the whole thing to:
Meziere Enterprises Inc.
ATTN: Returns Department
220 S. Hale Ave.
Escondido, CA 92029
To properly process the return you need to use the packing slip. If you don't have it, make sure you include a note with your name, address, email address, and order number (if available from the confirmation email), and the reason for your return. Upon approval, we will issue you a credit to your credit card. We only pay return shipping if the original shipment was damaged, defective or incorrect (wrong color, size, or style).
Questions? Comments? Contact us!
By email: or by phone: 760.746.3273
Feel free to use any method you wish. We are here to help you!